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Please enter the domain name you would like to write a complaint about. This validation check is to confirm that Synergy Wholesale is the current registrar of this domain name.
Domain Name
Validate Domain
Please write your complaint in the field below and include any supporting evidence.
To check the licensing requirements for this domain please visit the auDA licensing version tool.

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Contact Information
First Name*
Last Name*
Company Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Select State
ZIP Code/Postcode
Mobile Number*
* Required
Mobile Number
If this mobile number is incorrect click here to go back.
Verification Code*
Submit Application
I acknowledge that this form is for submitting complaints in relation to the .au domain name licensing rules.*
I acknowledge that Synergy Wholesale reserves the right not to acknowledge or investigate a complaint that is clearly frivolous, vexatious or abusive, or in Synergy Wholesale's opinion has been brought in bad faith.*
Your Full Name*
Date Accepted
Friday 18th October 2024
* Required

Thank You

Our team will be in contact with you after we review your complaint.
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