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How do I cancel a domain name registration?

Category: Cancellations

Typically domain name registrations are simply allowed to lapse as opposed to cancelling them. However, Partners do have the ability to place a domain name into a PendingDelete status which will delete the domain name and purge the name back into the public pool.

Partners are able to use this feature 3 times a quarter via the Synergy Wholesale Management Console.

  1. Navigate to the domain name in question.
  2. Click on the domain name options.
  3. Delete Domain.

The delete domain page will allow you to confirm the reason you are deleting the name and will act as a final confirmation that you would like to delete the domain. Once submitted the domain will be placed into Pending Delete and is unable to be reversed.

If you do find yourself having trouble with this process or need anything clarified before using this feature, feel free to get in touch with our Billing team via a Support Request.


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