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Can you tell me more about the verification notices?

Where the Registrant verification process commences, a number of emails will be sent out to the Registrant email contact:

  • Registrant Contact Verification – This is the initial email which contains a link for verification. If this is actioned, no further emails will be sent.
  • Registrant Contact Verification Reminder 7 Day reminder – Alerting the Registrant to the need to ensure verification is completed.
  • Registrant Contact Verification Reminder 1 Day reminder – Alerting the Registrant that there is 1 day remaining for verification before the domain name is locked down under Policy.
  • Registrant Contact Verification Suspension – This is sent when Registrant contact verification has not been completed after 14 days and the domain is placed into lock down under Policy.

Is it possible to customise these emails for my clients?

Yes it is, there are three new email templates inside the Wholesale System:

  • Registrant Contact Verification: This email is issued at the time of registration, contact update or WDRP bounce back. It will list the number of days remaining for validation (this is usually 14, but in some cases can be less – for example if the contact information was used on a previous registration in the past 14 days that hasn’t been validated yet). This template is also sent if you click on the ‘Resend Validation Email’ via the Wholesale System frontend or use the Wholesale System API command to resend the verification code. It is sent to the Registrant email address only and includes the specially encoded link to validate the Registrant contact data.
  • Registrant Contact Verification Reminder: This email is set when there is 7 days and 1 day remaining for validation of the Registrant contact data. It is sent to the Registrant email address only and includes the specially encoded link to validate the Registrant contact data.
  • Registrant Contact Verification Suspension: This is the very final notice that is issued, and happens simultaneously as the ClientHold status is applied to the domain name. It is sent to the Registrant email address only and includes the specially encoded link to validate the Registrant contact data (which if clicked will remove the ClientHold status from the domain name and validate the Registrant contact data immediately).

My client missed the verification email, can it be resent?

Yes it can be resent. You can resend it via your Synergy Wholesale System Account or via the API using the resendVerificationEmail function (see the API documentation for further information).

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