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Registering an AU domain name as a Trust

Category: Domain Names

When attempting to register or complete a change of registrant on an AU domain name using a Trust ABN as your Registrant or Eligibility ID you will receive the following error:

‘The provided TLD cannot be registered using trust eligibility. Please enter the registrant information of the trustee instead of the trust.’

If presented with this error, you should resubmit your order with the Trustee’s ABN/ACN instead. You can confirm the Trustee’s ABN/ACN via the Trust Deed.

As part of auDA’s eligibility requirements, we must verify that the trustee is either an Australian citizen or the trustee is an Australian body corporate. This is done by utilising the Trustee’s ABN at the time of registration.

Correct Example:

For this particular example, we will assume the Trust and Trustee’s details are as per below:

ABN of Trust: 91 123 456 789
Entity Name: The Example Trust

ABN of Trustee (Company Example/ Sole Trader Example): 21 101 234 567 / 74 789 456 123
Entity Name: Trust Company Name Pty Ltd / John Citizen

Based on the details above, you will need to submit your registration with the Trustee’s ABN

If the Trustee is a Sole Trader ABN:

Registrant Name: John Citizen Trustee for The Example Trust
Registrant ID Type: Sole Trader
Registrant ID: ABN 74 789 456 123
Eligibility Name The Trustee for the Example Trust
Eligibility Type: Trust
Eligibility ID: ABN 91 123 456 789

If the Trustee is a Company ABN:

Registrant Name: Trust Company Name Pty Ltd Trustee for The Example Trust
Registrant ID Type: Company
Registrant ID: ABN 21 101 234 567
Eligibility Name The Trustee for the Example Trust
Eligibility Type: Trust
Eligibility ID: ABN 91 123 456 789

In some cases, the trustee may be an individual trustee without an ABN/ACN, as specified in the trust deed.

If the Trustee is an Individual Trustee (Natural Person) where there is no ABN/ACN:

Registrant Name: John Citizen Trustee for The Example Trust
Eligibility Name The Trustee for the Example Trust
Eligibility Type: Trust
Eligibility ID: ABN 91 123 456 789

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